Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wantan Mee!!

I have already posted the recipe in the past and here's the pic. I actually planned to make chapati with Mutton Keema, since we reached home pretty late and my hubby has to leave for his weekly badminton, I opted for Wantan Mee instead.

Cooking it was rather a tragedy though, I usually use the rice pot to boil water as it does its job faster than using the stove, and this time it let me down. I boiled water to douse the wantan mee.
My rice pot is rather old; it releases just too much steam and floods the rest of the area. Those of you, who have been to my house, would have noticed where I keep my electrical appliances.
Well, all my appliances are stacked on Ikea’s wooden rack that only cost me about RM20. In the top shelf I have my rice pot, slow cooker and blender. Second shelf, I have my microwave oven and the third shelf I have my Conventional Oven.
Too bad, I was rather frightened by the whole thing and forgot to document the tragedy with photos. My rice pot looks something like this.

The cup that collects water started to leak and flooded the rack, which leaked to my microwave oven and all the way to my conventional oven. By the time, I realized what was happening water have already reached the floor. I called my hubby for help and we turned off all the switches that connects the electrical appliances except the rice pot coz I was still dousing my wantan mee in it.

Just when I opened the rice pot lid, power tripped. At that time, my hubby was busy playing his PS3 game and sparkle busy sleeping, what else does she do anyways.

The trip startled everyone and my tiny heart starting pumping faster than usual not because of the trip, I was even more frightened to what my hubby was going to say. My hubby didn’t manage to save his game progress…hehehe…he has to play all over again.

It was pitch dark, and there came my hero to the rescue. My rice pot tripped the power supply. Sigh…this what happens when you misuse the rice pot.

The wantan mee that I was dousing in the rice pot was over cooked it looked like a blob. I had to boil water on the stove like everybody else, which I should have done in the beginning.

A meal that supposed to take me an hour, took me almost 2 hours. I wasn’t hungry anymore, I doused a fresh set of wantan mee for my hubby and made a complete meal only for him. The blob of wantan mee made me loose my appetite.

I feasted on the fried wantan, thinking what a dumbass I was.

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